Sunday, April 5, 2009

Poor Hite-itous

like it's a virus or a illness or something. And I've got it! I am a Poor Hite. With a current $123.47 to my name, I am poor. I do have the tiniest bit of hope though. I have not over-drafted since December 17, 2008!!! Isn't that amazing!? To most of you out there, it probably isn't amazing. But to me it is. It's amazing because I used to over-draft near monthly. And now it's been several several months. I can't say that this is just because I'm naturally just sooo good with money. No, in fact I'm not. This is mostly because I, after that last time over-drafting, started maintaining one of those check book ledger things. And then I started balancing it!!! That is a truth fact! So, after that over-draft scare I had last week, I decided I'm going to get on back to it. Because I never want to over-draft again in my life. And I also just decided that if I can manage to get through this ENTIRE year without over-drafting I deserve a present. A nice present. From me to me. Maybe a small shopping spree at H&M while I'm down for Christmas. Or a gift card for Powell's. I love BOOKS. Anyway. That's the plan. Rule the world. You and me. Anyways....

POOR NO MORE!! That's my campaign for not-poorness anymore.

1 comment:

Teah Petersen said...

I LOVE Dr. Horrible!!! :) I think your financial fast is AWESOME!!! My husband and I are thinking about doing something along these lines. Better budget keeping, etc. Good luck!
Teah Petersen (aka Teah Phillips from San Carlos ward.)